About Looe

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Visit Looe once and you’ll want to come back time and time again. And you won’t be alone. In West Looe, you’ll find the statue of Nelson, although he’s not quite what you might think. Nelson was a one eyed grey seal who came to Looe and loved it so much that he stayed for over 25 years, keeping everyone entertained daily. When he eventually passed away the locals wanted to celebrate his life, so created a life size bronze of him to sit on the rocks and survey the town. So he lives on!

Nelson overlooks the fish market in East Looe and the Pier, a banjo shaped promontory that separates the Looe River from the town’s favourite beach, East Looe Beach. Upstream is the last – and only surviving - of Looe’s many bridges. It was built in 1854 to join the two communities of East and West Looe. In times gone by there were fierce rivalries between the two halves of the town, with some families refusing to set foot on the other side of the water.

Rivalries aside, Looe is a fishing port first and foremost, which means that it’s inextricably linked to the sea. Fishing boats still work from here and the market is one of Cornwall’s busiest. If you like fresh fish keep an eye on the tides as you’ll be able to pick up the day’s catch as it comes in. There is nothing like it! And if you like boating, exploring or sailing it’s a great base for day trips, adventures up river or fishing trips to catch your own.

The streets of Looe are narrow and winding, with some 16th and 17th century buildings housing an eclectic mix of local independent and high street stores. Shopping here is never dull and always intimate and welcoming – much like the rest of the town!

Here at Cornish Horizons we have a range of properties in Looe to suit any size of party, from cosy cottages with great views for two to large houses sleeping 8 or more overlooking the coast. It’s a great place to make your base as everything is here, from the seal who never left to shopping and a beach you can walk to.