Booking Information

To find your perfect cottage

Search using the 'Quick Search' box   

You can use this to search for your perfect holiday property.  Initially you can either view a list of all our properties or restrict this by where you want to go, when you want to visit and/or who is going to be coming with you.  You can then further refine, edit or narrow your initial criteria using the options to the left of the search results.  You will always know what criteria you have selected because these are displayed in the blue bar at the top of the page.  You can alter the order in which the results are listed by using the drop down box above the search listing.  You can also switch to map view by clicking 'map'.

If you know the property you want to book

If you already know which property you want to book then use the 'Property search' box at the very top of the homepage to find this and either type in the property number (e.g. P00001) or the Property name or part of the name.   

Select a property by style of property, location, type of holiday, special offers etc.

This could include viewing: pet friendly properties, eco cottages, special offers, larger holiday homes with discount for smaller parties, etc.  There are several ways of exploring these.

  1. Click the Browse Cottages listing on the main menu.   On mobile phones the main menu is accessed by selcting the icon in the top lefthand corner.
  2. If you are using a tablet, laptop or computer you will also see two carousels on our homepage with a selection of suggestions to help you find your perfect holiday property.  On the upper carousel select the tab of your choice and scroll across to see a selection of properties.  On the lower carousel scroll across and click the link of your choice.

Once you have found the perfect cottage

Check availability 

Use the availability calendar on the property details page to check that the dates you want are available.

To obtain a price or make a booking 

Select a start date on the calendar.  Generally this will be a date highlighted in blue (the property changeover day) but during low season, and at short notice other times, you can select any date.  Assuming the holiday you have selected can be booked online (see below if it can't) continue to Section 2.  A standard 7 day break will be shown in Section 2 so, if you want a longer or shorter stay, click the 'edit' button to select the length required.  Then complete Section 3 with the number of people coming.  A price will be shown below your selections.  (NB. The price may include a refundable security deposit.)  To continue to book the holiday click the green button and complete the booking form.  Please make sure that you read the booking condiitions before proceeding with your booking.  You can pay online using the secure Sage Pay server or opt to pay later.

If your holiday cannot be booked online you may be able to book by phone or email 

If your selected dates cannot be booked online a message will be displayed below your holiday selections prompting you to complete an enquiry form.  If you prefer give our friendly team a call on 01841 533331.   Dependent on the circumstances we may be able to take a booking.

What happens next?

Automated reply of provisional booking

Once you have made your online booking you will receive an automated email from our website acknowledging your provisional booking. 

Booking confirmation

Assuming that your booking is accepted you will then receive a further email confirming your booking details.  If you opted to make payment later we will contact you to take payment.


When payments are due

If you are booking twelve weeks or more before the holiday then we require a minimum of one third of the total cost of the rent plus the booking fee to be paid at the time of booking.   The balance is required twelve weeks before your holiday.  Although you should receive an email reminding you when your balance is due we strongly recommend that you make a diary note to get this payment to us in time. Your holiday is in danger of being cancelled if we do not receive your payment by the due date.

If you are booking less than twelve weeks before the holiday then we require the total to be paid at the time of booking

How to pay by card

You can pay by debit card or credit card, but we do not accept payment by American Express or Diners cards.  There is no surcharge for paying by debit/credit card.

You can pay on our website using the secure Sage Pay server.  You can if you wish make your deposit payment by card at the time of booking.  Any further card payments can be made on our website using the "Pay Deposit/Balance" link at the bottom of our home page.  You will need to enter your 6 digit booking number and the email address you used when you booked.

You can also make your card payment by phone.  Please call 01841 533331.

Other means of payment

Please call 01841 533331 if you want to pay by bank transfer or cheque.  If you are booking the holiday 8 weeks or less before the start date of the holiday then we require payment of the full amount of the rent at the time of booking.

If you want to make payment by internet banking or other bank transfer please contact us for our bank details.  Internet banking generally doesn't involve any bank fees, but most bank transfers from outside the UK involve additional charges and the booker must pay ALL these transaction charges levied by BOTH banks.  When paying by bank transfer please use the following reference: your 6 digit booking number, followed by the cottage name followed by the surname of the person in whose name the booking was made. e.g. - "123456IvyCottageSmith" or as much of this as you can fit!

If you want to pay by cheque, please advise us and post to Cornish Horizons, 19 New Street, Padstow, Cornwall, PL288EA.  Make cheques out to Cornish Horizons and write the following on the back of your cheque: your 6 digit booking number followed by the cottage name followed by the surname of the person in whose name the booking was made. e.g. -"123456IvyCottageSmith".

When to pay Security Deposit

Any security deposit payable should be included with your balance or full payment.

Party eligibility


The number of people staying at the property must not exceed the number stipulated in the property headline. The only exception is infants.


A child is aged between 2 and 18. An infant is aged under 2.

Single sex parties

Bookings by single sex parties in excess of two, or groups of single people where the majority of the party are under the age of 25, may be accepted but only if specifically agreed and additional conditions might apply such as the payment of a special security deposit - see booking conditions.


Please note that some parties with pets will be excluded from booking some properties and those wishing to smoke in a property may also be excluded from some properties. There are a few properties which are not suitable for occupation by children up to a certain age. Please read individual property descriptions to find out more information.