Rook with a Book, Fowey

Published: Thursday 11th Jul 2019

Written by: Catherine Coad

Have you seen the new bird sculpture in Fowey recently and wondered what it represented? Well it's been erected in Fowey, the former home of famous writer, Daphne du Maurier as a celebration of her work. Daphne du Maurier is famous for writing many wonderful books including ‘The Birds’ which is where the idea of a bird sculpture originally come from. 

Isla, the name of the sculpture which has since been nicknamed 'Rook with a Book' was unveiled in March 2018 by Daphne’s son and is on loan to Fowey town until 2020. If you're visiting the area, whilst it's on display, we'd highly recommend you take a look.

Image removed.

Catherine Coad



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