Cornwall: The UK's Next National Park

Published: Tuesday 28th Aug 2012

Written by: Charlie

The beautiful Cornish coastline and countryside could soon gain the recognition it deserves as a rural group are in the first stages of applying for some areas of Cornwall to be awarded national park status.

The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) in Cornwall are aiming to get some of the county’s most beautiful areas elevated to the same level of national importance as places like Exmoor and Dartmoor.

Despite having 12 areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the county, Cornwall has yet to have any of them designated as official national park spaces. Members of CPRE are hoping that both coastal areas and inland areas of Cornwall will win the bid, including areas such as Bodmin Moor and the Camel Estuary.

The last place awarded national park status required over 10 years of hard campaigning, but it will all be worth it for the added protection to the landscape that the status awards to the area. This preservation will benefit both locals and those who enjoy Cornwall cottage holidays, keeping the famous landscape at its best for years to come.

Image credit: ARg_Flickr



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